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  • BODYGENIX WHEY ISOLATE is developed keeping in mind the ever-changing needs of fitness enthusiasts. It uses the purest protein - Whey Protein Isolate which is fat-free, carb-free and lactose-free. Loaded with the profusion of most premium isolates, it helps build muscles without any unwanted weight gain.

    Directions for Use: Mix one serving (32gm) in 200ml-250ml chilled water and shake properly for 15-20 seconds.

    EARLY MORNING: During sleep, the body remains inactive for 6-8 hours and muscles start to break down without protein in order to create energy for the body. Drinking the new and enhanced BODYGENIX WHEY ISOLATE prevents muscle breakdown before it starts by drinking it early in the morning.

    POST WORKOUT: Muscles are hungered by an exhausting workout session making them absorb more protein than compared to any other time of the day. BODYGENIX WHEY ISOLATE stimulates fast recovery and builds lean muscle mass post workout being a fast-acting protein.
    Other Protein times may vary like IN-BETWEEN MEALS or AT BEDTIME.

    Remember to Combine BODYGENIX WHEY ISOLATE with proper training and diet for best results.

    Developed using the best quality Whey Protein Isolate imported from the USA.
    The latest 4.4lbs packing contains about 63 servings with each serving gives-
    27gm Protein
    6.5 BCAAs
    0g Sugar

    Helps in building muscles, increases strength and lose weight simultaneously.

    It is ultra-filtered for fast digestion and easy absorption into the muscles with the aid of an amino acid profile.

    It is extremely good in taste and easily mixes with water or milk.

    Bodygenix Whey Isolate helps in losing fat and gaining muscles simultaneously.

    It increases focus and strength during workouts. This means that it will boost your energy during workouts and you can work out for longer periods and go to the extremes.

    Not to exceed the recommended daily usage
    Not recommended for Children

    STORAGE: Store in a cool and dry place. Keep out of reach of children.

    DISCLAIMER: The description provided is solely for information and does not constitute any kind of medical advice. We request you to consult any physician or an appropriately licensed professional prior to engaging in any type of nutritional supplement. This product is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any kind of deficiency or disease. 

    Health supplement should not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet.

Bodygenix Isolate

  • Note:- Any order over INR 1000/- is eligible for free shipping across India.

    Shipping timeline:- 3 to 5 business days.

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